Get Started on Mortgaging Your Home With a USDA Loan

Benefits of a USDA Loan

First-Time Homebuyers:
“USDA loans open the door to homeownership for many first-time homebuyers who otherwise could not afford a traditional 5–20% down payment.”

Because of the USDA loan guarantee, lenders are willing to take on more risk and offer eligible homebuyers advantageous rates and terms.

Some of the primary benefits of USDA loans include:

  • $0 down payment

  • Competitive interest rates

  • Low monthly mortgage insurance

  • Flexible credit requirements

USDA loans open the door to homeownership for many first-time homebuyers who otherwise could not afford a traditional 5–20% down payment. However, the USDA has its own guidelines and requirements, including eligibility requirements for both the homeowner and the property. Lenders will often have their own internal guidelines and requirements in addition to those set by the USDA.

Contact us today!

mortgaging home